Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Colour Room...

a new challenge for me...
the colour room is a gorgeous challenge site...almost too pretty for me :0)
each week you are given a palette of colours - that you must use - & a sketch for inspiration. Each week i look & sometimes even use their sketches, never uploading my LO...
this week I did!!
Here's the inspiration colours & sketch...
the colours are...Dusty Peach Pink..Cool Mauve..Calico Cream..Warm Cocoa

& here's my LO...

a little like their sketch...well not really but if you just close one eye & tilt your head!!! the colours are similar...closest I had on a Sunday arvo :0)
but its done & I'm happy with it.



Phillipa, said...

Holy dooley!! That was quick!! Noice!!!

just another day said...

Wow thats awesome Kye ...