There is a story that goes along with this LO...
here it is :0)
So the story goes like this.....
I'm a cold frog & I like to keep warm!! At the '08 SWV Retreat I wore a beautiful pair of pink spot bed socks to keep my feet warm while scrappin. I took them off to go out for lunch & when I came back they were missing! No where to be found...or so I thought.... The lovely Lindy had swiped them & was parading around with them on - with me having no idea what was going on, or where my socks had got to?? Fast forward 12mths on to '09 Retreat, the beautiful Lea & Wendy bought everyone a pair of warm, fluffy socks. Mine, blue with spots, LOVE 'EM! & you wouldn't believe it...GONE...ONE MISSING SOCK. I posted a reward & pinned the one remaining sock to my shirt for safe keeping. But alas...said REWARD $$ wasn't enough & my fluffy sock & mystery SOCK-STEALER remain at large to this day??!!..
I honestly have no idea where my sock is but I do hope that he is having a good time :0) His mate is safe & sound in the laundry cupboard with the other socks that have found themselves without a partner in our house. Why is it that I can't bring myself to throw out those odd socks, I have a icecream container full of them!! It would be fantastic for my travelling sock to send me some photos of what he's been up to on his way-wood adventure!! (hint hint to the sock-stealer :0) )